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Castle Clout Return of the King

3642x | 0%

Play at: http://www.littlebigplay.com/games/553

Genre: Physics

Mobile versions: n/a

Description: The king has returned in this awsome update to the original game "Castle Clout". Now with 22 levels, 4 types of projectile, a "build and share" level editor, updated sound effects, level select, and more........are you ready to take on the king??? Revised reset button works correctly Now with a save game feature

Instructions: The king has returned in this awsome update to the original game "Castle Clout". Now with 22 levels, 4 types of projectile, a build and share level editor, updated sound effects, level select, and more........are you ready to take on the king??? Revised the reset button works correctly. Now with a save game feature