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Trick or treat

3159x | 66.6%

Play at: http://www.littlebigplay.com/games/440

Genre: Action

Mobile versions: n/a

Description: Gather the ingredients for the evil witches halloween spell, turn anybody who gets in the way into a frog but watch out for the bats!

Instructions: The aim of GameSquats Trick Or Treat game is to collect all the ingredients for the witches halloween spell in the given time. At the top right of the screen your see all the ingredients you will need. Use your arrow keys to fly around the town looking for them, when you see a glowing ingredient press and hold your Z key to cast your collect spell, take note of the direction of your wand to position your witch correctly to attract the ingredient! Grab all the ingredients and head back to the caldron. Use the X key to turn any town folk who get in the way into frogs or to zap low flying bats, watch out though casting a spell will reduce your magic, head back to the caldron to recharge!