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Basketball Challenge

9250x | 90.6%

Play at: http://www.littlebigplay.com/games/226

Genre: Sports

Mobile versions: n/a

Description: Two modes of play. Tournament and single game.

Instructions: In single game mode choose from three defenders ranging from slow to quick ( user adjustable as well ) , and try to score as many points as possible in 45 seconds. In tournament mode, play a 3 game tournament and your final score will be based on number of points earned ( 3 points for each win ) and score differential. Use mouse to move your player left/right towards/away from the basket. To shoot, click and hold, then release left mouse button at the top of your players jump shot. You are always on offense and can score 2 and 3 pointers. Defense scores if they block your shot ( 3 points ) if you miss ( 2 points ) or if they hold you without a shot while the shot clock expires.